Jack Crawford Games

What is Jack Crawford Games?

Jack Crawford games is a unique school carnival held in memory of the late Jack Crawford who was a founding and influential member of the John Therry community. Our school ovals and carnival are both named after Jack Crawford.

The Carnival is always a student favourite and involves a rotation of a number of different sport and activities. Student compete in house based matches in year groups to collect points to become the Jack Crawford winner.

Activities: Once again we have hired an inflatable Obstacle Course and Slip’n’Slide, bigger, longer, taller and more fun than last year. Along with other events, the students will have the opportunity to cool off throughout the day.

John Therry Gift: The fastest students in the school across all ages will compete in a handicapped running races for House points.

“Special Ops” Obstacle Course: 10m high, 20m long, the ultimate house race is on. One of the newest inclusions, each year group should enjoy their time battling it out.

Oz Tag/ Soccer: Mixed teams. Oz Tag = 10 players (5B/5G). Soccer =8 players (4B/4G)

Netbasket: Basketball = 6 players (3B/3G). Netball = 8 players (4B/4G) 10 minute games, unlimited substitutions

Dodgeball: House vs House in the retro favourite.

Volleyball Squares: Houses participate in our in-house game of elimination volleyball.

Atomic Drop Slip’n’Slide: Time for the students to cool off. As the name suggests, 10m high, 20m long.

Can’t get much better than this.

The day commences with house prayers and the first event of the day is the male and female sprint race called 'The John Therry Gift'. 100m handicap running races, made up of the fastest runners at the school based on school Athletic Carnival results.

At the end of the day students move to the hall for the year 12 house entrances and a cheer battle commences.

The day is a highlight on the school calendar each year and is a great way to wrap up the end of term 4.

Some more details...

John Therry will be hosting its annual “Jack Crawford Games” on the Monday 16th December, Week 10. The students will be involved in a number of activities that will promote teamwork, house spirit and flashes of individual brilliance.

Date: Monday 16th December, 2019

Time: Students are to assemble at school at 8:30am for Learning Group. Students are to leave bags in LG rooms, then proceed to the hall for an outline of the day.

Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm after the announcement of the day’s winners.

Venue: John Therry Catholic High School ovals

✶ Year 12 may wear fancy dress, in house colours to and from school reflecting the chosen House theme. Senior students are reminded they must still be able to participate in all activities. That is, their fancy dress costume should not prevent them from running, jumping, sliding etc. No T-Shirts with slogans or denim is to be worn.

✶ Valuables such as I-Pads, mobile phones, and prohibited items such as crepe paper, streamers, water balloons, water guns are not to be brought to school as bags will be locked up in Learning Group for the majority of the day.

Uniform: Students are to wear their sports uniform with a house coloured polo/t-shirt. Hats are compulsory. Appropriate laced footwear must be worn. Slip on Rabens, Vans or other non-laced shoes are prohibited and students wearing these will not be allowed to participate in running games/events. Inappropriately dressed students will not be allowed to participate. Swimwear may be worn under school sports uniform.

*What to bring: A hat, coloured house shirt, PE or JT Rep Sport shorts, swimwear, towel, enclosed shoes, plastic bag and personal food choices.

*Canteen A sausage sizzle and popper will be provided for lunch to all students. It is highly recommended that students bring additional supplies of food and drinks, especially in the expected hot weather. Water will be available to all students throughout the day.

A drinks break at the conclusion of the Games will allow the kids to cool off and refresh themselves before competing for final house points in the “House Entrances” that will conclude the days activities.

The canteen will be made available during recess and lunchtime for all students throughout the day.

Students are to stay with their year group and house groups throughout the duration of the day. Toilets will be available at the first and second “break” rotations.

All students will be supervised at each activity by staff from the school and Planet Entertainment, at recess and lunch and throughout House Entrances.

*Wet Weather A decision will be made before the start of school to inform the parents/guardians and students of changes to the day’s activities. Email will be the used medium to inform the students of changes.

2018 Champion House
