MISA Sport

With the growth of the Macarthur region there have been significant changes to the structure of MISA sport for 2019.

John Therry will now compete against MISA East schools

  • Mount Carmel, Magdalene, St Benedicts and Saint Patricks College.

In the event of winning our region we will compete against MISA North and MISA south schools in an MISA Zone Finals.


Click here to download the table above


Click here to download the table above


Click here to download the table above


Click here to download the table above

MISA Players Code of Conduct

  1. Always represent their school with pride and play in a sporting manner.
  2. Always be dressed correctly according to their sport.
  3. Always participate to the best of their ability.
  4. Always have the correct safety equipment when playing their sport.
  5. If a player is sent off by an umpire/referee in any game he/she will receive a 2 game suspension from that competition. If the suspension cannot be served in that competition it will apply to the player’s next representative season.
  6. If an appeal is to be lodged it must be directed to the Sport Coordinator within 24 hours.
  7. Always use appropriate language when speaking to the referee, opponents or each other on and off the field. Offensive language will not be tolerated and may lead to dismissal.

** Students who fail to abide by these rules shall be withdrawn from their sport/activity and placed on Sport Detention for the remainder of the term.

Students are to read the above stated Code of Conduct and sign below acknowledging their acceptance of the MISA Code of Conduct

Yours in Sport

Mr Daniel Goodhew