Swimming Carnival


On Friday the 1st of March student's descended on Gordon Fetterplace Aquatic Centre for the 39th Annual John Therry swimming carnival. As students entered the gates the year 12 captains and students immediately started the carnival off with the first round of cheering, a superb display of leadership.

Many of our competitive swimmers had been squad training from the early hours (5:00am) and were ready to set a blistering pace in the 200m Individual Medley. Throughout the day there was some fantastic swimming on display and a number of records were announced.

  • Unfortunately a number of records mentioned on the day were incorrectly categorised meaning that a number of our 200IM records were unfortunately not broken.
  • However we did have two long standing records broken. Well done boys!

New Records


Following the first few event of the day our students competed in the now annual biathlon. This year we completed a junior, intermediate and senior biathlon to give our juniors a taste of one of the highlights of the day. The pace was frantic, with the lead swimmers churning up the pool before handing over to the first leg of runners. Well done to all competitors.

As the day heated up participation in the swimming events began to increase and most of the year 12 student took the opportunity to swim with the aid of flotation devices in the non competitive race of the breaststroke and before we knew it the House Relays were upon us.

The relays are always a personal highlight and we see the best out of our students in the pool and in the grandstands cheering on their respective house groups. There were some nail biting finishes in each relay major honours would goto:

  • Conolly (Girls) 6 x 50 metre race
  • Murray (Boys) 6 x 50 metre race

The staff teams were victorious verse the seniors, (after some dubious tactics were on display from the teachers) no judges happened to notice anything untoward and the staff would glide into victory in both events. Mr Fifita summed up the performance Staff 2, students 0.

Thank you to all staff and student leaders who were both exceptional throughout the day. A few member of the public (regular summers at the pool) summed up the day when they commended our students excellent behaviour and manners, which is a great tribute to the students that attended on the day.

Congratulations to all our competitive swimmers and good luck at the Diocesan Carnival.

Age Champions


Conolly 1st


Chisholm 2nd


Murray 3rd


Ryan 4th



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With two carnivals complete here is the updated list.


Pre Swimming Carnival – Captains Information

  • Return your permission notes to the Student Services counter to Mrs Healey.

General Information and Transport.

  • Students need to make their own way to and from the pool.
  • Students who live local to the school grounds can reserve a place on a chartered bus at the student counter with Mrs Healey
  • Students to arrive by 8:15am for Learning Group on the basketball courts at the rear of the pools.
  • Students who are late need to see Mrs. Ramchandra to sign on at the front pool entrance. Late arrival without a note shall warrant house penalties.
  • Students will be dismissed from the pool at app 2:30pm.
  • Appin/Camden bus students need to make own way to the pool (Sign On to the School Bus)

    can catch normal bus to school and will be transported to pool via a chartered bus.
    Appin/Camden bus students shall depart the pool at 2:30pm on chartered bus to enable them to catch normal bus home from JT.
    Students must see Mrs Healey to reserve a place on this bus. Places are limited.
  • Picton bus students will be dropped off at pool and picked up from pool app 2:40pm.
  • No early sign outs.


  • Yr 12 can wear house coloured mufti. Must still be able to swim.
  • Students to wear JT sport uniform with a “House” coloured shirt and hat (otherwise white shirt).
  • Students must wear a hat, NO EXCEPTIONS. Swimmers get changed into appropriate swimwear at the pool
  • Students are not to wear cotton shirts in the pool. Rash shirts are acceptable.


  • Students to stay in House area throughout the day unless involved in an event or Year Group Volleyball.
  • Students will be released in HOUSE GROUPS to the canteen, which will be available from 10am -2pm.
  • Students are encouraged to bring additional food and drink to meet personal requirements.

Don’t bring- Speakers, headphones, phones, normal confiscation rules apply. Instead support your house group and get involved in chants.


  • Captains to organise a Yr ⅞ team (4 boys, 4 girls)
  • Captains to organise a Yr 9/10 team (4 boys, 4 girls)
  • Captains to organise a Yr 11/12 team (4 boys, 4 girls)
  • Students who compete in the running component of this event must have enclosed laced up shoes.