Our College

John Therry Catholic College was established in 1981 at Rosemeadow. We strive for graduates of John Therry to be confident and courageous young men and women who make a positive difference in their world. Our College mission statement is "To create a learning environment based on Catholic faith which empowers students and staff to achieve their potential as individuals in the wider community". Our goal is spiritual, sporting, social and academic excellence for all our students.

John Therry is a co-educational, comprehensive Diocesan Catholic College of 1006 students at the 2023 Census. John Therry draws its students from the parishes of Rosemeadow, Campbelltown, Appin and Ruse. However, students enrol from outlying areas such as Picton and The Oaks and in excess of 20 State primary Colleges within the Macarthur region.

The core values of the college are identified within the College motto "Recta Sapere" "to know, love and relish what is right and just" and are demonstrated in a strong Catholic ethos where students are advocates for social justice and peace. The College has had links to the Marist Brothers and their charism since its establishment. The 5 Marist pillars of Presence, In the Way of Mary, Love of Work, Simplicity and Family Spirit are evident across many aspects of College life.
The House system creates a vibrant college spirit and further strengthens values such as Justice & Compassion (Chisholm/blue), Faith & Integrity (Connolly/green), Respect & Wisdom (Murray/yellow), Hope and Gratitude (Ryan/red). The House Cup is awarded each year determined on academic, social, spiritual and sporting merit points across all aspects of College life.

Points of celebration within each College year allow significant spiritual elements to be embedded and enhanced across each student’s journey at John Therry. John Therry Week in Term 4 also celebrates Sporting and Social aspects of College life. Each House has a colour day and liturgical focus and the week is launched with a whole College liturgy showing Fr John Therry to be a person of significance to our College and to the early Catholic Church in Australia. The College uses this occasion to celebrate its birthday each year. The College Annual Sports Awards Presentation Assembly, JT Superstars and the Creative Arts night usually occur in this week which culminates in the Jack Crawford House Games and House performances. Champagnat week in Term 2 explores the life of Marcellin Champagnat, the work of his brothers and the Marist traditions with daily prayer focus on each Marist pillar and a College liturgy and celebration. The La Valla awards, the staff service awards, and the student Montagne awards take place at this time. Annual Awards Presentations at the end of each College year acknowledge Academic success in each year group and a number of special awards reflect other aspects of the Graduate Statement and significant role models for the community.

The use of Restorative Justice within the student management system has a positive influence on student self-discipline and students achieving their full potential. The Merit System and clear student management procedures are evident.

The comprehensive curriculum with its broad offerings in subject choice provides students with the opportunity to excel. Extra-curricular activities enhance student learning experiences.

There are opportunities in sport through the Tuesday MISA sport competition, as well as Diocesan sport program that leads to state and national pathways. The College participates in selected other competitions within the local area and the Marist schools sport competitions to provide a wide variety of opportunities for our students to participate.

Creative and Performing Arts provide opportunities for participation in the College Musical each year as a performer or as a support person in set design, lighting etc. Music tuition is offered through an instrumental program and in lunchtimes in the music rooms. The College Choir supports the liturgical life of the College. There is a diverse calendar for student involvement.

John Therry has a 1 to 1 program to support student learning. Students in 7-9 use chrome books or windows devices and students in Year 10-12 can bring a device of choice to support their learning which in many cases will continue to be the chrome books.

Parent involvement is encouraged at John Therry to support each child to achieve their potential. Information nights and Parent teacher nights are some our most important evenings where we hope to meet all of our parents. We also have parent forums as part of our P&F where we seek parent voice on the direction of different aspects of College life.

Friday Mass at the parish church of Our Lady Help of Christians each week provides students and staff to join with the local parish. The parish links are implicit and explicit between the College and the parish priest, the parish community, the OLHC Parish Primary School and John Therry Catholic College in the understanding of their proximity but also in their authentic and genuine relationships.