VET courses allow students to gain both Higher School Certificate qualifications and accreditation with industry and the workplace as part of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). At John Therry Catholic College we have large construction workshops and industry grade commercial Kitchens where students can develop their workplace skills. All VET courses are based on the development of ‘competence’ in skills, they introduce students to the workforce and build employability skills to enable students to pursue further training or be successful in the workplace. VET courses also involve mandatory work placement, 70 hours over the Preliminary and HSC course. The placements are organised through Macarthur Workplace Learning, who organise and offer students reliable placements in the Macarthur region. Many of our students get offered part time or full-time jobs or apprenticeships upon their completion of work placement. Students have the option to sit the HSC exam at the end of the course; VET courses can contribute towards their university entry ATAR. Under the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) The Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong, John Therry Catholic College offers year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to undertake Vocational training in the following (240 hour) courses:
These courses cannot contribute to an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) calculation, but all contribute to the HSC. Traineeships and apprenticeships combine paid work, training and College. The student sources an employer willing to take them on as a trainee or apprentice. This pathway impacts a student’s pattern of study at College as they complete half a day at TAFE and another whole day on site at work.