Expectations & Regulations 


When instances of bullying are reported, they are investigated thoroughly and dealt with in conjunction with our John Therry Catholic College "Maintaining Right Relationships Policy".

Students involved in bullying type behaviour may be required to sign and adhere to an "anti-bullying agreement". 

We encourage all students in the community to take responsibility in ensuring that ‘bullying’ type behaviours are not accepted. We acknowledge that that power of the ‘bystander’ is just as detrimental as the person ‘bullying’ another person. Therefore, bystanders may also be called to account for the role they play in perpetuating the situation.

There are many avenues for students to report bullying to a staff member. Students can speak to a teacher in person. They can speak to anyone with whom they feel comfortable, but the first person should be the student’s Learning Group Mentor or Pastoral Coordinator.

In this digital age, the importance of developing CyberSafe practices is extremely important. Students are explicitly taught appropriate ways to use technology and appropriate ways to interact via social networks. As part of our safe practices, all students and parents are expected to sign the "Appropriate Use of Internet Agreement". 

At all times, John Therry Catholic College follows policy provided by the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. A copy of the full CEDoW Student Anti Bullying Procedure document can be found here.


Relationships, Responsibilities and Reactions:  “It’s not the falling down, it’s the getting up that counts” 


For teachers, principals and College support staff, restorative practices provides a proactive approach for building a College community based on cooperation, mutual understanding and respect. Restorative practices provides processes for holding students accountable for their actions and behaviour while at the same time building a nurturing College environment. 


  • Focuses on repairing the harm done to people and relationships 
  • Provides a continuum of strategies for social and emotional learning 
  • Primarily concerned with building and maintaining relationships 
  • Through dialogue, wrongdoers are encouraged to be accountable for their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions by making amends to those affected. 

EFFECTIVE QUESTIONS: Focus on the specific behaviours or incident without blaming. Use ‘relational’ questions to draw out who was affected and how they were affected. Direct questions towards problem solving: “What needs to be done to make things right?”

  • What happened? 
  • Describe what you saw and heard 
  • Describe how things happened 
  • How has this affected you or others/
  • How were you affected?
  • How were they affected?
  • What do you need to do now to make things right?
  • What do you need to do differently in the future?

AFFECTIVE STATEMENTS: Reflect on the impact that the behaviour or incident has had on you and the other. Consider the effect on other students, the class, the cohort, other teachers, parents or the College community as a whole.


Consistent failure to adhere to the John Therry Catholic College rules or unsafe conduct may result in a student being excluded from the College community for a period of time. This is to allow the student to reflect on their conduct and make a conscious choice to reconnect with the community with a genuine willingness and intention to conform to the College’s code of conduct.

If a student is placed on an In-College Withdrawal they are segregated from the College community and supervised by a Coordinator or a member of the college executive. If a student is placed on In-College Withdrawal, parents are informed via a phone call. In most cases, a parent interview will also be required. An In-College Withdrawal is typically a one day process. Once the withdrawal has been completed successfully, students are placed on a booklet for further monitoring and support as they return to normal classes.

If a student is placed on Out-of-College Suspension they must remain off College premises for the time of their suspension. Before they can return to the College community an interview with parents is required and students must demonstrate a genuine willingness to adhere to the John Therry Catholic College College rules. If the student does not demonstrate this willingness to comply, the suspension may be extended for a longer period of time to allow for more reflection on behalf of the student. 

While on suspension from College, the expectation is that students will be completing their studies at home. Work will be provided by teachers, either via google classroom or emailed directly to the student by their classroom teacher. Where this is not possible, work will be provided to the student in other forms. 

Students returning to the College community following suspension are placed on a monitoring booklet at the appropriate level, as determined by the Pastoral Care Coordinator or Assistant Principal. This is to assist the students to ensure that they are developing positive study habits and successfully staying on track.

At all times, John Therry Catholic College follow policy provided by the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. A copy of the full CEDoW Suspension, Expulsion and Exclusion of Students document can be found here.